Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Dosing for Standing Programs

Pediatric Physical Therapy published a systemic review and evidence based clinical recommendations for dosing of pediatric supported standing programs.  After reviewing the literature the following was recommended:
  • standing programs 5 days per week, 60-90 minutes per day, positively affect bone mineral density
  • standing programs 5 days per week, 60 minutes per day in  30° to 60° of total bilateral hip abduction positively affect hip stability
  • standing programs 5 days per week, 45-60 minutes per day, positively effect range of motion of hip, knee, and ankle and spasticity (30 to 45 minutes per day).
Reference: Paleg, Ginny S. PT, MPT, DScPT; Smith, Beth A. PT, DPT, PhD; Glickman, Leslie B. PT, PhD. Systematic Review and Evidence-Based Clinical Recommendations for Dosing of Pediatric Supported Standing Programs. Pediatric Physical Therapy: Fall 2013 - Volume 25 - Issue 3 - p 232-247 doi: 10.1097/PEP.0b013e318299d5e7  

1 comment:

wired ON development said...

Thanks so much for this summary - hugely helpful when motivating with the powers that be for funding :) and good to know that we're on the right track.

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