Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Happy Occupational Therapy Month 2015 - 10 Things to Do to Celebrate

Happy OT Month Sign Collage from www.YourTherapySource.com

I created some more signs for OT month.  I am not sure what happened but I started a few and then kept going.  There are a few more on the website from previous years as well so take a look.  You can download the signs for free at  http://www.yourtherapysource.com/otmonth4  Need ideas to celebrate OT month?  See below from a previous year.  No time to prepare anything just print out a few signs and hang them up in your school or practice.

1. Host the Occupational Therapy Olympics – invite school staff, parents and students to participate in the OT Olympics. Try relay races to get dressed, get down objects using reachers, wheelchair obstacle courses, scooterboard races, sculpt objects with clay and more.

2. Have an OT Art Exhibit – showcase OT projects that the children have made. Hang up signs next to each projects describing what skills the child worked on to complete the project.

3. Create an OT Contest – For example – Put a bunch of beads in a jar. Guess how many beads are in the jar. The closest to the number of beads wins an OT t-shirt.

4. Create an OT Quiz – Distribute an OT quiz with many questions regarding what OT is and how it helps children. Every person who fills out the quiz gets a small prize.

5. Do an in-service on the benefits of OT to the school staff and parents.

6. Plan an OT Month Party! – Allow the kids to vote on a party theme such as fine motor, sensory or activities of daily living. Create games around that theme.

7. Volunteer for the Career Fair at the school. Educate prospective college students on what OT is.

8. Have an Adaptive Equipment and Assistive Technology Fair – demonstrate different types of equipment that OT’s recommend for students to school staff and parents.

9. Hang up a large poster in the hallway about occupational therapy.

10. If you do not have time for any of the above ideas here is the easiest – just ask to make an announcement over the loudspeaker of the school about OT month. Inform the school in a few sentences about occupational therapy.

Check out our motivational section on our website for certificates, awards and signs for occupational therapy.


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