Using SIPT standard scores, SPM standard and SPM Social Participation scores, SI and praxis patterns were analyzed.
The results indicated the following:
1. Children with ASD showed relative strengths in visual praxis.
2. Marked difficulties were evident in imitation praxis, vestibular bilateral integration, somatosensory perception, and sensory reactivity.
3. SPM Social Participation scores were inversely associated with areas of deficit on SIPT measures.
The researchers concluded that children with ASD characteristically display strengths in visuopraxis and difficulties with somatopraxis and vestibular functions, which appear to greatly affect social participation.
Reference: Susanne Smith Roley; Zoe Mailloux; L. Diane Parham; Roseann C. Schaaf; Christianne Joy Lane; Sharon Cermak. Sensory Integration and Praxis Patterns in Children With Autism. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, December 2014, Vol. 69, 6901220010p1-6901220010p8. doi:10.5014/ajot.2015.012476
25+ Bilateral Coordination Exercises
By: Your Therapy Source
By: Your Therapy Source
Summary: Download of 28 bilateral coordination exercise sheets including
QR codes with links to video demonstration of exercises. Also includes hand
out explaining bilateral coordination.
QR codes with links to video demonstration of exercises. Also includes hand
out explaining bilateral coordination.
Find out more at http://www.yourtherapysource.com/bilateralcoordination.html
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