Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Positioning for Play

Positioning for Play Your Therapy Source

During physical play time, children tend to move through various positions and during sedentary play time children tend to maintain the same position for a longer period of time. For example, when playing hide and go seek children move in all different ways such as sitting, crawling, squatting, walking or running. In contrast, when completing a puzzle, using blocks or playing a tabletop game, children may stay in one position for a longer period of time. It is beneficial to be aware of ideal positioning during play. In general, it is helpful to change positions every 20-30 minutes to prevent asymmetries in muscles and bad habits. Most of the time during play, children will move in and out of positions frequently which is wonderful. When children are in one position for a longer period of time, there are some general guidelines based on the position of the child.

Head to the original blog post to enter your email to download the printable, one page hand out with all the information on positioning for play and sign up to receive information on research, freebies and new products.  The hand out provides suggestions for positioning during play in supine (back), prone (belly), sitting and standing.

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