Thursday, October 28, 2010
DCD and PreTerm Low Birth Weight Babies
Reference: GEHAN et al. Developmental coordination disorder in geographic cohorts of 8-year-old children born extremely preterm or extremely low birthweight in the 1990s. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology Article first published online: 11 OCT 2010 DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8749.2010.03779.x
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
10 Simple Activities to Encourage Physical Activity in the Classroom
2. Walking Worksheets: Tape worksheets on wall, easel and chalkboard. Students move from worksheet to worksheet and answer the different questions.
3. Opposite Hunt: Divide the class in half. Half of the class write a word on an index card. The other half writes the definition. Shuffle the cards and hand one card to each student. The students must move around the classroom and match the word with the definition. For younger students match up sight words, letter or numbers. Try math problems and solutions.
4. Pencil Jumps: For a quick movement break in between lessons have each student place a pencil on the floor. Jump over the pencil a designated number of times.
5. Race in Place: When reviewing material, have the students stand up and run in place by their desks. On the teacher’s signal, student stops running in place, listens to question and writes down the answer on paper.
6. Daily Rule: Establish a new daily rule every day that includes physical activity. I.e. walk backwards to water fountain, tip toe to the bathroom, stretch before sitting in chair. See if you can catch the students forgetting the daily rule.
7. Shredder: Cut up worksheets in quarters. Students can help scatter the worksheets around the floor face down. On the teacher’s signal, the students can crawl around the floor, find the four quarters of the worksheet, complete the worksheet and give it to teacher.
8. Push Up Line Up: When the students line up against the wall to leave the classroom, have each student face the wall and perform 10 wall push ups. After all push ups completed
the class can walk in the line.
9.Mobile Math: Divide the class in half to review math problems. The students can stand at their desks (paper and pencil on desk). Call out a math problem such as 4+5=. One
half of the class jumps 4 times and the other half jumps five times. Each student writes down answer on paper. Continue with other math problems. Vary movements.
10. Q and A Stretching: Provide students with paper at desk. Students can stand or sit. Ask a question and student writes down the answer (very large) on one sheet of paper. Each
student holds paper up, with two hands overhead to stretch. Teacher checks answers. Multiple choice questions work best.
If you would like a hand out of this page go to
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Hand Out for SPD
Monday, October 25, 2010
Fall Activity: Kick Box Painting
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Complex Child Magazine
Special thanks to for telling us about this magazine.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Planning a Therapy Session
1. Goal: Establish the primary goal of the session.
2. Materials Needed: List the equipment necessary for the session.
3. IEP Goals Being Met: List the student's IEP goals that are being addressed.
4. Instruction:
a. Explain to the children what the goal is of the session
b. Write down all the steps you will take to reach the goal
5. Evaluate: How will you evaluate whether the goal was reached?
a. Formal
b. Informal
c. Rubric
d. Test
6. Closure: Wrap up the session reviewing and/or summarizing the skills that were taught.
7. Modifications: List any modifications that can adapt the lesson plan for each child if necessary.
Not only will you be prepared for the therapy session, you will be prepared for documentation and planning for the next session.
Print out the form below to get started.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Background Noise and Food Preferences
Makes me wonder what effects white noise and music has on children who have sensory issues with food or picky eaters?
Read more about white noise at a previous blog post: white noise and attention span
Reference: Woods et. al. Effect of background noise on food perception Food Quality and Preference doi:10.1016/j.foodqual.2010.07.003
Friday, October 15, 2010
Kids Have Not Changed Developmentally
This study should help educators to realize that they can slow down. Take the time to allow preschoolers and kindergartners ample amounts of free play, motor time and imaginative play.
My one question is why are more and more children being referred for occupational and physical therapy then?
To read more about this study go to Harvard Education Letter.
View Gesell Developmental Schedules.
Reference: Pappano, L. Kids Haven't Changed Kindergarten Has. Retreived from the web on 10/15/2010 at
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Inexpensive Tactile Cues on Paper
1. Glue: Apply glue to the lines and let dry for 24 hours. Color the glue to provide an additional highlight on the line.
2. Puffy Paint: Purchase puffy paint to apply to the lines. Try making index cards with sight words or letters on them. Apply the puffy paint to add dimension.
3. Wax String (aka "Wikki Stix"): Put wax string sticks along the lines. These are great because they are reusable.
4. Cardboard Stencils: Make your own cardboard stencils. Cut out the space where you want the child to stay between the lines. For example, cut out one inch blocks to stay in between one inch height writing paper.
5. Rubber Bands: If you need an adaptation in a hurry, put a lined worksheet on a clipboard and wrap rubber bands around the board to write between the bands.
6. Embossing: Use an embossing tool or sewing wheel on the back side of paper to make raised lines on card stock paper.
7. Fun Foam: Cut out thin strips for lines or shapes of fun foam. The child can trace around the foam shapes.
8. Flour and Water: Combine flour and water to make a thin paste. Put it in a plastic bag with the corner of the bag snipped off. Pipe the flour paste onto the lines. Let dry 24 hours. You can add food coloring for visual cues.
Can anyone else add to the list?
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Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Tracking Calories Burned
Here is an idea ... start a contest among different classrooms or grade levels. Who can burn the most calories? The kids and teachers can keep track of all their activity and add up calories burned over a certain time period. At the end, the winning class can get a reward of bonus recess time.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Literature Review on Botox in Calf Muscles
- improving calf muscle tone at 1 month and 3 months
- improving passive range of motion at 1 month and 3 months
- improving gait speed for 4 months
- improving Gross Motor Function Measure scores for 2 months.
These improvements were seen when studies were done comparing botox injections with non-sham controls.
Reference: Yun Hyung Koog, Byung-II Min Effects of botulinum toxin A on calf muscles in children with cerebral palsy: a systematic review Clin Rehabil August 2010 vol. 24 no. 8 685-700
Friday, October 8, 2010
Button Fine Motor Projects
Dressing Skills:
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Find out more.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Learning Styles and Sensory Processing Disorder
In the school setting, teachers discuss various learning styles of students. There are three main types of learning styles:
1. Auditory learner - learns best by using sense of hearing
2. Visual Learner - learns best by sense of vision
3. Kinesthetic/ Tactile Learner - learns best by doing or touching
More teachers are now accommodating students and presenting new material in various ways to help all students learn more efficiently. Teachers can offer choices regarding different ways to complete assignments that allow students the freedom to utilize their own learning styles. When determining a students learning style, a teacher looks at the students strengths. How do they learn best - auditory input, visual input or tactile input?
Is is starting to sound familiar? When determining if a student has sensory processing disorder, pediatric therapists look at auditory, visual and kinesthetic input and output. When an pediatric therapist evaluates a student for sensory processing disorder typically weaknesses are determined. For example, "this student is a sensory seeker constantly looking for movement opportunities". Pediatric therapists can also look at students in a different manner with regards to learning styles and offer suggestions to the teachers in a language that they can fully understand. Therefore in addition to offering treatment strategies to address the students core sensory issues try:
1. offering recommendations on how to present academic material to the sensory seeking student for that student may be an excellent kinestethic/ tactile learner
2. providing the teacher with a list of methods or activities that may make it easier for the student to learn a new concept.
3. following up on recommendations - did the student perform better on as assignment when there was a kinesthetic approach to the task?
4. offering suggestions with a universal design approach to teaching to benefit all students in the classroom.
Modifications and Interventions for School :
Reproducible reporting forms with hundreds of suggested interventions
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Wednesday, October 6, 2010
White Noise and Attention Span
You can view the complete article at Behavioral and Brain Functions
Reference: Goran B. W. Soderlund, Sverker Sikstrom, Jan M. Loftesnes, Edmund J. Sonuga-Barke The effects of background white noise on memory performance in inattentive school children Behavioral and Brain Functions 2010, 6:55 (29 September 2010)
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Memory and Physical Fitness in Children
Yates, Diana. Child's Brain Development is Linked to Physical Fitness. Retrieved from the web on 10/5/2010 at
Monday, October 4, 2010
October 2010 Digital Magazine for Pediatric Therapy
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Communicating with Parents
1. Always start off a conversation stressing a child's strengths. No one wants to hear only negative comments.
2. Be very specific about your concerns for their child without using any medical terminology.
3. Do not be judgemental. If the child is the firstborn in a family, parents may not always recognize delays in the child's development.
4. Be patient. You may be the first person to tell the parents that their child may need some extra help. Give them time to digest the information and schedule a time to talk again.
5. Allow plenty of time for questions. Make sure you have the time to address any questions the parent may have. Do not run off to your next scheduled appointment with unanswered questions.
6. Listen! Make sure you listen to the parent's comment or concerns. They usually have the best insight into their own child.
To read more on communication, check out the article Let's Talk: How To Communicate Effectively with the Special Educaiton Team.
Would love to hear from parents with any of their own tips on how to improve communication. Please comment.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Physical Therapy Month 2010
If you would like more ideas to celebrate Physical Therapy Month read our post from last year on PT Month.